Anyone who finds people for a living, as private investigators do, knows the frustration of locating women. They change their names. Often many times over the course of their lives. This is a challenge to the heir finder who has a name from many years in the past that she has to update in order to locate her subject.
Use the free portion of a people finder site that allows you to search by first name and date of birth. But you also have to use a workaround on sites that require a last name to perform the search. This involves the handy wildcard. In this case, we’ll apply the asterisk.
At the site enter a first name in that field and an asterisk (*) in the last name field. Add date of birth or year of birth. This will work until the search interface is changed — which may happen just as soon as the powers that be see this tip!
That’s tip #1 in Finding, Skip Tracing and Locating Women. Do you know of other sites where a skip trace by first name can be performed?
Wlidcard characters may vary, often % or %% will work where * will not. Also, many licensing databases may be search by firstname only using the Google site: operator.
For example, the Florida SOS at can be searched through Google even by address, while the site itself offers no provisions for such a search.
JavaScript is your friend. 😉
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